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  • Warning: include_once(sites/all/modules/socialmedia/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in include_once() (line 31 of /home/chisa/public_html/casadelindquist/sites/all/modules/socialmedia/socialmedia.module).
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mashed potatoes

Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, and Gravy

Easily one of our favorite meals involves some kind of meat, mashed potatoes, and gravy. We are, afterall, Minnesotan. ;)

Thus, the crockpot roast beef is rather convenient and delicious.  Simply through 3+ pounds of meat in a crockpot, let it cook for 8-10 hours on low, and enjoy the deliciousness that comes of it.  Here is a simple, yet tasty meal that you can prep with little effort.

For Your Long Wait, I Present Thanksgiving Turkey!

It has been an inordinately long time since last I posted. My apologies!  My only excuse is that school has started and I have little free time to myself.  That being said, my goal will be to maintain postings at least once a week.  I feel that this is a reasonable amount and hopefully you all will keep me inspired to post delicious foods to share!

Spinach Stuffed, Bacon Wrapped Creamy Crockpot Chicken!

We were at a wedding recently that served this amazing stuffed chicken with mashed potatoes.  I loved it but had never made such a meal before.  How does one stuff a chicken breast, I wondered.  So I set out to find the answer. 

Easy Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy!

Fall has hit, the leaves are turning colors, and the temperature has dropped. It's my favorite time of year! Growing up my ultime favorite meal was chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy. My mom had a quick and easy recipe that is very Minnesota.

On those cold days when you want a home-cooked meal, but you don't want to put forth too much effort, here's a simple way to make a delicious meal.

A little home-cooked, Southern fried chicken with mashed potatoes and white gravy...Mmm mmm good!

Obviously, I am not from the South. However, I was taught by true Southerners the perfect recipe for making crispy, fried chicken with a white gravy. The mashed potatoes are very much part of my Northern heritage, and I will share my favorite way to make them!

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